Value |
Category |
about how a person can get pregnant |
absteinance |
antenatal care |
avoid sleeping with men to avoid early pregnancy |
cant remember |
classments been pregnant |
consequences of being teenage pregnancy |
consequences of early pregnancy |
early pregnancy cause school dropouts |
early pregnancy makes someone to drop out of school |
effects of abortion |
girls dropping out of school because of being pregnant |
good care while pregnant |
how fertilisation occur |
how girls become pregnant |
how one becomes pregnant |
how one can get pregnant through copulation in her fertility period |
how pregnancies occur |
how pregnancy occurs |
how someone becomes pregnant |
how someone becomes pregnant, effects of pregnancy |
how to arbort |
how to become pregnant |
how to prevent pregnancy |
how to take care of a pregnant person |
how to take care of pregnant mother |
how to take care of self while pregnant |
how to take care of yourself when youbecome pregnant |
how you can become pregnant |
if you have sex after starting periods you might get pregnant |
if you sleep with a boy while expecting periods you will be pregnant |
is easy to become pregnant when on monthly period |
kind of food eaten while your pregnant |
no response |
not to abort |
not to do abortion |
not to have sex |
one should take a balanced diet |
over bleeding during miscarriage |
ovulation how pregnancy occurs |
rampant teenage pregnancy |
relationship between menstruation and pregnancy |
side effects of abortion |
side effects of pregnancy |
side effects that come with pregnancy |
signs and symptoms of pregnancy |
signs of pregnancy |
signs of pregnancy, how to get pregnant |
stages of pregnancy, signs of pregnancy |
symptoms of pregnancy |
taking care of pregnancy |
teenage pregnancy on the rise |
testing |
the side effects when you get pregnant |
to use condom to avoid pregnancy |
use protection like condoms to avoid pregnancy |
what to do during pregnancy |
what to do when pregnant |
when pregnant you need not to go for family planning |
when someone can get pregnant |
when someone is pregnant she may be a school drop out |
when you engage in unprotected sex you can pregnant |
when you sleep with a boy u get pregnant |
when youre pregnant it is not good for a school going pupil |
when youre pregnant you should eat well |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.