Name | Country code |
Agency Name | Affiliation |
Dr. Estelle M. Sidze | African Population and Health Research Center |
Dr. Faith Thuita | RTI International (registered trademark and trade name of Research Triangle Institute) |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Dr. Chessa Lutter | Research Triangle International | Researcher and Senior Fellow |
Dr. Valerie Flax | Research Triangle International | Senior Public Health Research Analyst |
Mr. Brad Sagara | Mercy Corps | Deputy Director, Research and Learning |
Dr. Dickson Amugsi | African Population and Health Research Center | Associate Research Scientist |
Dr. Martin Mutua | African Population and Health Research Center | Associate Research Scientist (Statistician) |
Dr. Calistus Wilunda | African Population and Health Research Center | Associate Research Scientist |
Mr. Albert Webale | Research Triangle International | Project Manager |
Mrs. Ruth Muendo | African Population and Health Research Center | Research Officer |
Ms. Esther Anono | African Population and Health Research Center | Research Officer |
Ms. Hazel Anyango | African Population and Health Research Center | Research Officer |
Mr. Bonventure Mwangi | African Population and Health Research Center | Data analyst/manager |
Mrs. Anne Njeri | African Population and Health Research Center | Data manager |
Name |
USAID through Food for Peace |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Philip Ebei Aemun | CEC - Agriculture | Turkana County – Stakeholder Consultation on NAWIRI Learning Agenda |
Charles Lokiyoto Ewoi | CEC - Agriculture | Turkana County – Stakeholder Consultation on NAWIRI Learning Agenda |
Pauline Akai Lokuruka | Chief Officer Education | Turkana County – Stakeholder Consultation on NAWIRI Learning Agenda |
Paul Lokone | Director Agriculture | Turkana County – Stakeholder Consultation on NAWIRI Learning Agenda |
Alfred Emaniman | Director Preventive and Promotive Health. | Turkana County – Stakeholder Consultation on NAWIRI Learning Agenda |
Lucas Edete | County Community Health focal person | Turkana County – Stakeholder Consultation on NAWIRI Learning Agenda |
Javan Manga | Social Development Officer (Department Social Services) | Turkana County – Stakeholder Consultation on NAWIRI Learning Agenda |
Fred Esinyen | T/Central Nutrition Coordinator | Turkana County – Stakeholder Consultation on NAWIRI Learning Agenda |
Dr Jane Akale | Deputy Director Veterinary services | Turkana County – Stakeholder Consultation on NAWIRI Learning Agenda |
Josephat Lotwel | County Drought Resilience Officer (NDMA) | Turkana County – Stakeholder Consultation on NAWIRI Learning Agenda |
Dennis Mosioma | NDMA Deputy Director of Information | Turkana County – Stakeholder Consultation on NAWIRI Learning Agenda |
Erastus Sinoti | County Public Health Officer | Samburu County – Stakeholder Consultation on NAWIRI’s Learning Agenda |
Delphina Kaaman | County Nutrition Coordinator. | Samburu County – Stakeholder Consultation on NAWIRI’s Learning Agenda |
Francis Koros | Director Social Services | Samburu County – Stakeholder Consultation on NAWIRI’s Learning Agenda |
Mary Bett | County Agriculture Nutrition Officer | Samburu County – Stakeholder Consultation on NAWIRI’s Learning Agenda |
Simon Lekartiwa | County Livestock officer | Samburu County – Stakeholder Consultation on NAWIRI’s Learning Agenda |
James Kiptoon | Sub County Public Health Officer | Samburu County – Stakeholder Consultation on NAWIRI’s Learning Agenda |
Augustine Lenomouwapi | County Community Strategy Focal Point | Samburu County – Stakeholder Consultation on NAWIRI’s Learning Agenda |
Martin Thuranira | County Director of Health | Samburu County – Stakeholder Consultation on NAWIRI’s Learning Agenda |
Alex Leseketeti | County NDMA Drought Coordinator | Samburu County – Stakeholder Consultation on NAWIRI’s Learning Agenda |
Start date | End date | Cycle |
2021-11-04 | 2021-12-07 | 2 |
Name | |
African Population & Health Research Center | |
Name | Abbreviation | Role |
African Population and Health Research Center | APHRC | Documentation of the DDI |