Value |
Category |
business is at home |
business is in the house |
business is in the house requires no movement |
does business in the house |
does business outside her house |
does business within the structure |
does field work |
does it in her own house |
does it on her house |
does washing around ea |
has ahotel next to her house |
has a salon in her house |
has a shop in her house |
hawker |
hawks around the e.a |
hawks fruits |
in the house |
in the house. |
lives in same structure |
na |
none |
operates a daycare from the structure |
operates from her house |
operates from her residential place |
operates from structure |
operates from the structure |
operates shop in her house |
outside the house |
same house |
same location |
same slum |
she runs a daycare in her house |
shop is part of the house |
work in house |
work outside the house |
works at home |
works from her home |
works from her residence |
works from place to place |
works from same structure |
works from the structure |
works in house |
works in same sructure |
works in same structure |
works in the house |
works in the same location |
works in the same structure |
works just outside her house |
works outside her compound |
works outside her house |
works outside the house |
works within house |
works within structure |
works within structure. |
works within the compound |
works within the house |
works within the structure |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.